
| As you may be aware Channel 4 are broadcasting a Big Brother All-Stars programme directly BB11 finishes.
The winner of BB11 will stay in the house and be joined by various other BB stars from the previous 10 series plus the celebrity series.
The idea is that they will bring together memorable housemates from all years and series - so the number of places available is strictly limited.
It is imperative that Endemol/CH4 realise that they cannot afford to miss having the legend that is Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace included in the line-up.
If you want to see Aisleyne back in the house, support the campaign by joining the Facebook Group: 'Aisleyne For BB "All-Stars"'
and following on Twitter - 'Aisleyne for BB 2010'
And get all your like-minded friends to do the same, so that we can all enjoy seeing Ash back on our TV screens.
The more members there are on Facebook, and the more followers on Twitter, the more chance that Endemol will recognize how popular Aisleyne really is. |

| Phil Edgar Jones speaks.
"We'll decide in a few weeks' time," he told the DS forums. "Always up for suggestions but there are a limited number of slots.
"There's a team working on it now - and there is an ongoing healthy debate about who we want to see in those last two weeks. There are loads of great housemates to choose from."
And our answer is ..... AISLEYNE!
Edited by ofni 16/6/2010 14:47

| Heatworld follow up PEJ's comments with an article which includes who they think would/should feature.
Happily they include Aisleyne in their list, even though they haven't always exactly been big Ash fans - to say the least!
Which in a way strengthens the case, dunnit?
They also ask for comments (sign up required) - and obviously the more pro-Aisleyne comments there are the better!
Edited by ofni 17/6/2010 11:08

| DS Reality Bites "Ultimate Housemate" poll results revealed:
Nikki Grahame - 16.2%
Brian Dowling - 13.6%
Nadia Almada - 11.9%
Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace - 7.3%
Makosi Musambasi - 4.3%
Craig Phillips - 4.2%
Brian Belo - 3.9%
Kate Lawler - 3.7%
Helen Adams - 3.6%
Pete Bennett - 3.5%
Predictable winner but pretty good result for Ash, I'd say. 
Edited by ofni 18/6/2010 11:36

| Here's a nice shortened URL which you can use to tweet a longer message with a shorter link to Aisleyne's Facebook page.
Short and tweet, huh?
Edited by ofni 22/6/2010 23:41

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| Nice support from No Smoking Day