| Here are a few rules for posting in this forum. These include and build upon the last rules posted 17th Jan.. As Aisleyne's official fan site, it's important that we stick to forum topics which directly relate to Aisleyne or can be justified in very direct context. A thread must be on-topic in relation to the section in which it is opened. Similarly, replies should keep within the context of the opening post. In the hope of avoiding doubt and ambiguity in future, the following are the general parameters for on-topic threads: 'Website and Forum' category is reserved exclusively for notices, questions and feedback relating to the OA site. 'Aisleyne' category is the place to open threads which are Aisleyne specific, choosing the individual section appropriate to the particular topic. Threads in Ask Aisleyne must be questions, and also be relevant and suitable for Aisleyne to answer. Only one question per thread, unless the second question builds upon the first. Forum members must not reply to an opening post until after Aisleyne has responded. 'General ' category a. 'Introduce Yourself' Self explanatory and is for new forum members to introduce themselves, and to enable exiting members to greet new arrivals. b. 'Chill Out' This is for general discussions, essentially non-specific in nature, and the thread does not 'fit' into one of the other sections. Not permitted - threads relating to other celebrities, television programmes or specific subjects not covered above. All these areas should have their own dedicated forums elsewhere. Anyone posting an Aisleyne related topic in one of those forums would rightly expect the moderators there to delete the thread as off-topic. The same applies here. Similarly, mention of a subject by Aisleyne during her radio show or in other media will not, in itself, form the basis for an acceptable thread. Also.. 1. Don't try to get around the swear filter. 2. Don't respond to abusive posters and don't discuss their activity. Simply use the 'Alert' button to advise staff, and we'll do the rest. 3. Don't post personal details in the forum, as it is open to everybody. 4. Don't post copyrighted material in your posts. Links to such material are OK. 5. Don't PM Aisleyne or Claire, the messages shouldn't get through anyway. 6. Have fun! |