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Squid Game: The Challenge - Promotion

02 December 2023

Early morning on Saturday 25 November 2023 saw Aisleyne at Westfield White City to film a social media promotion for the Netflix series, 'Squid Game: The Challenge'. The early start was so that most of the filming could be completed before Westfield welcomed Saturday's shoppers.

The promotion's title was 'Who is Big Brother?', and required Aisleyne to compete against Big Brother 5 winner, Nadia Almada to put six brothers in age order from youngest to oldest. Filming took place against a Squid Game backdrop with everyone dressed in the traditional Squid Game green tracksuit uniform.

The completed promotion was uploaded across all Netflix social media channels a week later, on Saturday 2nd December 2023. Watch the Netflix promotion in the Video section to find out who won!

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