
| Aisleyne will be kicking off the Doritos Dodgeball Challenge at 4PM, on Tuesday 5th May
At 4pm each day from 5th May, UK celebrities will put themselves in the firing line in the aptly named Slam a Celeb Hour. The public is invited to log on to http://dodgeball.doritos.co.uk/ and register to fire their speeding dodgeballs online against an opposing team. The opposing team will be made up from members of the public and a celebrity - Aisleyne's the first celeb in the firing line. The other celeb in action that day is Kenzie.
Subsequent days' celebs include Timmy Mallett, Nikki Grahame, Chantelle Houghton and Jodie Marsh!
Aisleyne will be wearing Doritos kit. Her total involvement will be around one hour, but that will include interviews, photos, piece to camera, etc. so don't worry, she won't be "under fire" for the full hour!
Here's what she's going to be facing!
! |

Posts: 2530

| Now would it be right and proper to sign up and fire dodgeballs at Ash - or wait for another celeb later in the week maybe?

| secrethousemate - 29/4/2009 12:19
Now would it be right and proper to sign up and fire dodgeballs at Ash - or wait for another celeb later in the week maybe?
On the one hand we want to support Ash by maximising click traffic, but the thought of firing missiles at her does go against the grain.
So surely the thing to do is get control of the cannon then aim to miss her!
As for the rest of 'em - BANZAI!!!
Edited by ofni 29/4/2009 12:28

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | Not quite sure where the doritos come into it? Are they inside the balls? Either way they don't look too lethal, so look out Ash! Mind you, unless it's a wet day, I won't be able to take part anyway. |

| Looks like Sky Sports are involved in this (though no mention of the celeb involvement in this article)

| And here's an article from the retail trade press, decribing the overall month-long promotion and mentioning the "slam a celeb hour" from 5th - 8th May - no names mentioned though.
ETA PLUS for all you twitterers (include me out!) it seems that you can....
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news from the Doritos Dodgeball Challenge and hear our celebrity guest gossip first with the Doritos Twitter feed
Does this mean that Aisleyne's name will feature in one of the first corporate marketing applications of Twitter, then? Hmmm Interesting..
Edited by ofni 30/4/2009 17:41

| I wonder if Jennifer Ellison is giving us an indication of how Aisleyne may be dressed on Tuesday?
If so, it's something to look forward to.

| Anyone watching Channel 4 at the moment?
A very silly movie called ....
Dodgeball!!  |

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | I registered for the site, and have visited a few times, but never when there's been any action. I think noon tomorrow is the next game? |

Posts: 2530

| Tweet from Doritos Dodgeball:
Awaiting the arrival of our first celebrity! Don't forget that Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace is on the court from 4-5 pm today!
18 minutes ago from web |

| There she is! Very fetching in pink!
Ready - Aim - FIRE!! 
Edited by ofni 5/5/2009 16:16

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | Yep she looks great prancing about in her pink pants. Even did a cartwheel at one point.  I think I hit her with a ball? At least she laid down at one point, but it is very difficult to tell, because where the balls go bears very little relation to where you are aiming at. Fun watching anyway.  (Yes, it's a wet afternoon here) |

| Ash still under fire.
Any sign of Kenzie? |

Posts: 2530

| Ash in action:
Edited by secrethousemate 7/5/2009 18:37

| Nice one, secret!
Rexfeatures are quick off the mark with action shots too (including that cartwheel)!
Well, some are action shots, a couple of pics seem to suggest that Ash is thinking about that further boobjob again
Edited by ofni 5/5/2009 18:12
Executive Member
Posts: 1484

| Thanks for the pictures. Aisleyne looks to be having fun there. |

| Holy Moly feature some of the Dodgeball pics to accompany what must be the sloppiest dollop of "reporting" you are ever likely to clap eyes on concerning Ash's autobiography. Miraculously, they DO get the title right, though they obviously haven't a clue that it's publication day tomorrow.

Posts: 2530

| Plenty of feedback about Ash's appearance on the twittersphere:
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| ofni - 6/5/2009 16:23
Holy Moly feature some of the Dodgeball pics to accompany what must be the sloppiest dollop of "reporting" you are ever likely to clap eyes on concerning Ash's autobiography. Miraculously, they DO get the title right, though they obviously haven't a clue that it's publication day tomorrow.
well I left a helpful comment  |

| You really should go to the doritos dodgeball website at
enter the Dodgeball Challenge site (on the right), and after the countdown press Continue. You will see the main screen On the left is a menu with coloured bars which pull out to reveal headings. Press the purple one "Highlights" second from bottom. You should spot a familiar face. Click, sit back and enjoy!
Edited by ofni 7/5/2009 19:03
Executive Member
Posts: 1644
 Location: Edgware, Middlesex | Thanks Ofni. A highlight indeed  |

Posts: 2530

| Aisleyne's highlights video from this event is now available in the videos section: http://www.aisleyne.com/videos/videos.asp

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | A report on Aisleyne's Dodgeball action has now been added to the News section.  http://www.aisleyne.com/news/news.asp |

Posts: 2530

| A photo from this event has been added to the gallery: http://www.aisleyne.com/gallery/gallery.asp

| I see that Dodgeball is one of the sports featuring at the Commonwealth Games.
Aisleyne been passed over for selection?
Or maybe she didn't fancy the unsanitary conditions?  |