 Location: Holland | Hey everyone On the 10th May I'm doing the Keswick 2 Barrow again. http://www.keswick2barrow.co.uk/home.asp It will be my third time  It's 40 miles and I'm going to try and beat last years time which was 12:01:05 I'm giving my money to BTUK again, to this link if anyone wants to sponsor me, http://www.justgiving.com/aisleyne_limited but you don't have 2 sponsor me if you don't wanna. I will let everyone know how I got on after it   |

Posts: 3045
 Location: Stoke-on-Trent | Good luck Sophie. I will donate £20 for you.

Posts: 2530

| Best of luck Sophie, I hope the Cumbrian weather is kind. I will be making a donation :-)
 Junior Member
Posts: 95
 Location: Barrow-Cumbria | good luck sophie! i will donate bout 5...... p :P:P only jokin i will donate £5 i think.. if i get the money |

| All the best Sophie |
 Location: Holland | thanks everyone  |
New Member
Posts: 29
 Location: Cumbria | well done sophie sure you will do dead well, a week on sat cant wait!! |
 Junior Member
Posts: 95
 Location: Barrow-Cumbria | joe who made ur sig?? what software did they use :\ |
 Senior Member
Posts: 321

| Sophie. Best wishes for the walk. Remember to drink plenty of water as its going to be hot out there. |

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | Good luck on Saturday Sophie.  |

| Yep, all the best Sophie - and do take care. |
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| you must be mad but good luck anyway |
 Location: Holland | ahh thanks everyone
ill be on tomorrow with all the details as i cant get up my stairs to get anything haha lol |

Posts: 3045
 Location: Stoke-on-Trent | Sophie is having problems with her connection dropping and will post full details of how she did as soon as she can.
 Location: Holland | 
 Location: Holland |  |
 Location: Holland | theres the times and that..hopes its big enough..lol well when i started i already had sore thighs from bloody rounders the day b4 so i was a bit nervous i wouldnt finish it this year..but i deffo wasnt gonna give up..nooo way thats the one thing that sticks in my mind all the way through-dont give up cos like i would have regretted it in the morning and it was my third time doing it so i knew i could do it..even though i hadnt trained much lol half way through i got the pain i'd normally get near the end..lol..typical..but i carried on..AND BEAT MY TIME from last year and the year before woooo next mornining i was really stiff and still am!! its funny because if you see someone limping you know they have done it and eveyone asks you how you did and that i thought this years was worse than then past 2 years..i dont know why..eveyone else thought that aswell..am sure they added more in.. there was times were we all fell out and didnt speak but thats because all the cars got on our nerves..honestly..it was like the bloody A590..people are so nosey..its like they wouldnt have gone past normally..grr its really annyoing because you have to move to the side for all the t**ts in the cars. but overall it was a great day and am pleased with my time and i know i say it every year but i aint ever doing it again only jokin i will probably end up doin it..i loooooove it really haha
Edited by sophie 12/5/2008 20:12

Posts: 3045
 Location: Stoke-on-Trent | Well done Sophie. 40 miles still seems a hell of a long way to me. I did a marathon once many years ago and if someone said I still had 14 miles to go when I had finished I would have died. You have to do it next year, it says so on the bottom of your timesheet.
 Location: Holland | You have to do it next year, it says so on the bottom of your timesheet.

Posts: 2530

| Well done Sophie
That's some achievement to do it 3 times, and in the fastest time yet
Shame about the Cumbrian drivers
 Location: Holland | thankyouuu  ano tell me about it..nosey or what..daft cumbrians for you tho eh lol
Edited by sophie 12/5/2008 21:00
 Senior Member
Posts: 321

| Well Done Sophie, you should be proud of yourself. I’m sure Aisleyne and BTUK are greatful and proud of you. Also, Well Done to all The Trotters. Is that the group you walked with? If there were times when you all fell out during the walk, I’m sure you’re all a lot closer now that you’ve achieved your goal. Keep up the good work. Only 363 days to get ready for the next one.
Edited by Interested Observer 12/5/2008 21:51
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| Well done Soph, but I still think you're mad.....lol
BTW its much quicker if you use a car
Is it true after the 40 miles, you have to then turn round and walk back?  |

| Well done Sophie! |
Executive Member
Posts: 1644
 Location: Edgware, Middlesex | Great work Sophie. Rather you than me. I couldn't even do 1 mile let alone 40  |