I was a member of the fakers forum, not used it in over a year and just wanted to say 'hi'.
I am amazed that my post 'emotional rollercoaster' has made it on to this new site..and all jazzed up with photo's too Just a shame those awful typos and gramatical errors weren't sorted out too, lol
Posted 5/6/2008 14:33 (#29168 - in reply to #29167) Subject: RE: Hi all
Junior Member
Posts: 81
Reading it back I still an't believe that I wrote it with such passion...it brings back many a memory and I still mean every word of it.
I didn't see last years BB because I was still so angry at CH4 for the whole way they conducted themselves during that time. But will probably watch it this year...just out of interest you understand ;O)
Anyway, I do remember you and some other names I've seen banding about the place. Maybe I will stick around for a while. Nice to catch up with you!
Posted 5/6/2008 14:36 (#29169 - in reply to #29166) Subject: RE: Hi all
Posts: 3045 Location: Stoke-on-Trent
I never got involved in BB8 like I did in BB7 and no doubt I shall not get involved in BB9. I will watch the show but the cynical side of me stops me getting too involved.
Posted 5/6/2008 15:24 (#29170 - in reply to #29166) Subject: Re: Hi all
Posts: 2530
BB has become an entertainment show obsessed with ratings. The fact that its still being stretched out to 13 weeks is proof of this. I can see the thing being axed after next year because they can't do much more with the format and there will be other new reality shows along to replace it in due course. I don't envy Ash having to do daily write-ups if its anything like last year's contrived rubbish.