
| There's a large picture of Aisleyne in the March (*STOP PRESS and April!) issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine, in a full page advert for The Hospital Group, who are of course the people who did Aisleyne's boob job in 2009.
The heading caption is "Everybody Deserves the Celebrity Treatment", and Aisleyne is quoted as saying "At last I'm happy with my boobs". The pic is from her Zoo shoot.
There's also a small inset "before" pic from her book launch, and she describes her previous, er, configuration as "gappy".
"Gappy" to "Happy", eh? Very poetical...
Wonder if that ad will be cropping up anywhere else? 
Edited by ofni 6/3/2010 15:08
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| The ad also appears in the April issue of Cosmopolitan. | |
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| The ad also takes up a full page in the March issue of Company magazine. | |
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