I wanted to comment on the lovely personal photographs that Ais has so kindly allowed us to view in the Gallery. They are really nice pictures and show that she has strong bonds of friendship with the girls that are posing with her. Bearing in mind that this thread opener is about hair, I wanted to say that I really like Aisleynes hair in the darker shade of Blonde. Its like a deep rich Honey shade and it really does suit her and makes her hair look thicker. I myself have dyed my hair all sorts of colours and was blonde for years and years but found that the dye started to attack my roots and hair would come out on my clothes. It does,nt sound much of a problem but it does NOT look nice if you wear black clothes and that is my favourite shade of clothing.....So my hair went to deep browns and its much healthier and shinier. I know blonde is very fashionable and also its got the babe 'it' factor but if Ais continually bleached or lightened her hair the ends will break off and her hairline will suffer greatly. I would love to see Ais consider the slightly darker blonde. It is attractive, shiny and her eyes stand out expressive and beautiful. Anyway, it was just a little thought...not that she does,nt look lovely as she is, its just something I wanted to mention as those pictures are really special. |