Posts: 590

| Divas Reunited Big Brother gave the housemates the task of performing Beyonce’s video for Single Ladies last night and it really turned out to be a day for the divas. Trying to be fair, Siavash chose everyone’s role by asking them to guess which hand he was holding something in. David chose correctly and therefore played Beyonce. Everyone was happy with it except for Charlie, who stormed off in a diva huff because he didn’t want to be the stylist. The trouble is, Charlie always wants to be the centre of attention so, as he wasn’t for once, he didn’t like it one bit. The task was successfully and comically done to Big Brother’s satisfaction, which meant the housemates had won the right to watch the episode they had re-enacted for the previous day’s task. However, before that, there was the little matter of the final eviction. Step forward Diva Number Two in the shape of Rodrigo. He really didn’t like the fact others were using the hair-straighteners more than him. Cue him moaning about the back of his hair and that he would ‘never talk to Charlie again’. The thing is, I can’t help but find his little outbursts funny. The madder he gets, the more I laugh! As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Lisa was evicted and David was upset. He is such a sweetie. I just hope something nice will happen to him soon. The housemates later settled down to watch their efforts from the previous day. It’s great to watch them all laugh and enjoy it but, sure enough, after 34-minutes Siavash realised it was all about him and Noirin. He then stomped off to the other room for a bit of diva-like self pity. I think Big Brother tried to give Siavash a real chance to redeem himself. I wish he’d taken it with good grace and maybe laughed at his mistake. He would have endeared himself to me. Instead he just felt sorry for himself again - that’s not attractive. |