Posts: 590

| Bea’s a B*tch I’m absolutely gob-smacked that Halfwit was evicted on Friday as I had my money on Marcus leaving. Because Halfwit was favourite to win for so long, I thought the public would see past his recent personality loss and remember him for who he was when Big Brother began. I feel so sorry for Marcus and Siavash now. They could easily be marginalised by the other housemates, especially if Bea has anything to do with it. Last night’s show put a magnifying glass over Bea’s bitchiness. She decided that she wanted to move beds and, of all the people in the house, she initially chose to sleep next to Siavash. She couldn’t understand why it might not be the best idea. She still didn’t work it out after Lisa explained that she’d spent the last week slagging off Siavash’s best mate – who’d also just been evicted. That girl is so blinkered it’s beyond belief! Later, when everyone else was trying to sleep, Bea started to wind-up Charlie and play games. He decided to get his own back though, by filling his mouth with water and spitting it out on her. Granted, that’s really disgusting, but it was all done in jest - just like Bea’s messing about with him was. But Little Miss Sunshine couldn’t see the funny side and flipped out at him. She just went on and on. I couldn’t help but remember her remark to Marcus last week: ‘If you can’t take it, don’t give it out,’ she told him. Siavash won yesterday’s task. The housemates had to choose a letter at random in the Diary Room and then say as many words beginning with that letter as they could in one minute. Siavash then shared his prize with the rest of the house, which I thought it was really sweet of him. Maybe that’s why, whenever Bea tried to b*tch to the other housemates about him, it fell on deaf ears. I really hope Bea’s up for eviction this week - I can't wait to see the back of her.