Posts: 590

| Bye Lisa! Ahhhhh, I am really sad that Lisa didn’t get a chance to stay until the final week. Both of the girls are lovely, but I guess the whole scenario with Darnell and Sara helped win her a place in the final. Anyway, I don’t think Lisa was that bothered… She’s probably having the best week of her life - so who am I to grumble? What IS going on with Sara and Darnell? Those two are so about love/hate, it’s unreal. Rex made some valid points in the Diary Room about their relationship, especially when he said that Darnell is really into Sara and that Sara knows it but pretends she doesn’t… I think Sara is a fun-loving, flirty girl but, given the past experiences she and Darnell have had, I think perhaps she should back off a bit with the flirting. She said in the Diary Room that she’s so happy that they are friends again, but the lads think that she’s aware of what she is doing and is taking advantage. Will we ever know the truth? The personality trait task was fun. I loved Kat’s version of the word charismatic - Carey-messy - bless her, she’s so cute. They failed miserably! But it was funny to watch. Hey, I was so pleased to see Mo stand up and speak out to Darnell about all his whingeing! I hope Darnell bucks up his ideas and stops being so negative. It’s the last week Darnell, get over it, embrace it and enjoy! He has got want he wanted, but still manages to find a negative angle on it, silly sod! He ain’t a bad guy, just a bit mixed up and insecure. So, who’s going to win, guys? I can’t remember any series of BB where there hasn’t been a clear winner by this stage in the game. I can’t figure out who I want to win so I sure can’t figure out what everyone else is thinking. My mind changes daily. I did want Darnell to win, but Mikey has grown on me a lot recently and maybe even Rachel because she’s been consistently nice throughout… Oh, I just can’t decide. But tomorrow’s double eviction might have some answers! |