Posts: 590

| Sara out! What did I tell ya! Sure enough, last night’s show kicked off with Rex sniffing round Nicole with his tail between his legs. And what did she say to him? ‘Why did you leave me all alone last night?’ All she wanted was some attention and comfort, but he swanned off to B-Block! What a swine he is. Poor Nicole… I know she’s a spoilt drama queen, but that’s not a crime. Rex, on the other hand, is guilty of a crime of passion. So there are three girlie’s up this week: Sara, Nicole and Lisa. Now don’t all shout or throw rotten veg at me at once, but I would like to see Sara go. She is annoying beyond belief! I don’t think Lisa should go because her one-liners and weird facial movements crack me up. And Nicole should stay and go on a double eviction with Rex. The two of them together in the house are fascinating and infuriating to watch and something new to BB. I think the general vibe is that Nicole will go, though, and I can’t see Rex making any heroic moves by leaving with her, so things will probably go back to normal pretty fast. I can’t NOT mention the single most disgusting, vile and horrific thing I have EVER seen on BB - EVER! Mo! Eating MIKEY’S BOGEY!!!!! EEWWWWWW! I couldn’t even laugh, I was heaving so much. It was like watching a horror film, where you don’t want to look but you have to peek through your fingers to see if the monster is really going to eat the girl! (In this case, replace girl with bogey). Then, there it was, (SCREAM) Mo eating bogeys in exchange for booze. DISGUSTING! He’ll do anything for beer, which is so NASTY! Also, I can let you guys into a little secret… I know that next Wednesday something BIG is going to happen in the house but I am sworn to secrecy about it… Could Mario be popping in to propose to Lisa? Or will there be an eviction? I’ll leave you guessing!!!!