
| Aisleyne is appearing on Absolute Radio tonight, on Tim Shaw's "Absolution" show.
Rex and "Greedy" Mo from BB9 are also there.
Absolute Radio is "available on 105.8FM in London, 1215AM & digital nationwide, and worldwide via the web."

| Apparently Ash, Mo and Rex have to go out into the street speaking on a mobile phone to the studio, then hand the phone to someone on the street saying "Tell them who i am". The one who gets the most people knowing who they are will be the winner!  |

| They each get three tries.
nobody knew Rex
One person knew Mohamed, but Aisleyne pointed out he was near Hamleys - where he works!
Ash next! |

| Before her turn Aisleyne gets a chance to speak quite passionately about why she wrote the book. Emphasised it's not about Big Brother but to inspire children to rise above their bad circumstances. |
Executive Member
Posts: 1484

| Trust me to get bogged down with trivial matters like tennis. I can't keep up with the events of this evening. Bingo, radio. Now she's off outside the studio. |
Executive Member
Posts: 1484

| boldjohn - 3/7/2009 23:55
Trust me to get bogged down with trivial matters like tennis. I can't keep up with the events of this evening. Bingo, radio. Now she's off outside the studio.
Aisleyne wins the "who is this person?" competition and is recognised more than Rex and Mo from BB9.  |

| Aisleyne is asking people "Who is Tim Shaw?"
Then after outrageous accusations of cheating, Pants is taking over and asking people "who is she?" "Aisleyne" they say - Ash wins!!  |

Posts: 5071
 Location: Scottish Borders | Singing along to Lily Allen.  |

| And a wickid imitation of rex! |
Executive Member
Posts: 1484

| emptybox - 4/7/2009 00:05
Singing along to Lily Allen. 
I'm listening in the lounge with headphones on and I've been told off for laughing to much. OOOOPS. They had to block out a rude girl word. |

| Tim is firing some very searching questions and comments in Aisleyne's direction.
He reckons that she is much brighter than she lets on - he's been watching her "raise her game" in the studio.
Quite a bit of mental sparring going on here. Fascinating stuff.
Ash admits to being a "social chameleon" - which harks back to what that Judy Psychologist person said about her during one of the better "Mach test" discussions during BB7. |
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| boldjohn - 4/7/2009 00:11
emptybox - 4/7/2009 00:05
Singing along to Lily Allen. 
I'm listening in the lounge with headphones on and I've been told off for laughing to much. OOOOPS. They had to block out a rude girl word.
I wonder what it was she said
Still the interview suddenly got very deep, but then Rex managed to get his oar in and ruin it, though not sure she wasnt relieved about that Tim Shaw really seemed to be getting to her inner self. Bless her though for answering and going on dispite Rex being as unfunny as normal |
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| ofni - 4/7/2009 00:24
Tim is firing some very searching questions and comments in Aisleyne's direction.
He reckons that she is much brighter than she lets on - he's been watching her "raise her game" in the studio.
Quite a bit of mental sparring going on here. Fascinating stuff.
Shame Rex interupted though |
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| Tim seems to be ignoring Rex and talking exclusively to Ash. Think its annoying Rex as he keeps trying to interupt |

| bradley27 - 4/7/2009 00:48
Tim seems to be ignoring Rex and talking exclusively to Ash. Think its annoying Rex as he keeps trying to interupt
I get the distinct impression that Tim has been fascinated by Aisleyne for a long time and is taking the opportunity to ask her the questions he's been storing up. |
Executive Member
Posts: 1644
 Location: Edgware, Middlesex | ofni - 3/7/2009 22:44
Aisleyne is appearing on Absolute Radio tonight, on Tim Shaw's "Absolution" show.
Wow, nothing like a bit of notice
Ah well... |

| There was a provisional notice on the Gossip thread around 5.30pm, Julian.
It was all rather up in the air depending on what happened at the Mirror Bingo. I didn't know it was actually happening for sure till I heard Ash's voice around 10.30. |
Executive Member
Posts: 1644
 Location: Edgware, Middlesex | That's ok, I'm only venting my frustration at missing it. I don't really blame any one.
Glad she's getting more air time
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| ofni - 4/7/2009 00:56
bradley27 - 4/7/2009 00:48
Tim seems to be ignoring Rex and talking exclusively to Ash. Think its annoying Rex as he keeps trying to interupt
I get the distinct impression that Tim has been fascinated by Aisleyne for a long time and is taking the opportunity to ask her the questions he's been storing up.
He certainly was pushing her, in a good way |
Senate Member
Posts: 794

| Julian - 4/7/2009 01:37
That's ok, I'm only venting my frustration at missing it. I don't really blame any one.
Glad she's getting more air time
Its possible they might put it on his podcast. Heres the link:

| A report on Aisleyne's appearance has been added to the News section of the site. if you missed the show it gives you a flavour of some of what went on.
Executive Member
Posts: 1644
 Location: Edgware, Middlesex | I really enjoyed that - good stuff  |